Avoid Scams That Use Volusion’s Name and Logo

Online scammers sometimes use the names and logos of established businesses fraudulently to trick individuals into giving them large sums of money.

Official Volusion Business Practices

Volusion is an ecommerce platform that provides online storefronts to business owners. Please note that:

Volusion does not operate under any website URL other than https://www.volusion.com.

Volusion does not have a standalone application (or app) of any kind at this point in time.

Volusion does not conduct business transactions via social media accounts.

Volusion does not hire independent contractors to sell services.

Volusion does not accept payment for services via cryptocurrency.

Official Volusion Social Media Accounts

Volusion does not operate social media accounts on any platforms other than those listed below, nor do our employees conduct business with anyone via social media.

Volusion has NO official accounts on:

  • MySpace
  • Reddit
  • Snapchat
  • Telegram
  • Tik Tok
  • Weibo
  • WhatsApp

Dealing with Scammers

If you have already conducted business with a company that meets one of the above criteria, here are a few actions you can take to try to reclaim your funds:

  • If any transactions you made with the company were done via credit card, file a chargeback or fraud report with your bank.
  • If any transactions you made with the company were done via cryptocurrency, report the wallet you deposited the funds in as fraud to the crypto company in question.
  • Retain legal counsel.