It shouldn't come as a shock that your store's logo can either make or break your brand. A logo is your badge of identity, and is often the first thing potential customers, investors, and collaborators see. If your audience thinks your logo is unprofessional, there's a very good chance they'll think your business is unprofessional as well. Here are five design attributes you should always keep in mind to create awesome logos that will wow the masses and bring lucrative attention to your company.
1. Colors
The human mind interprets different colors in different ways, and it's crucial that you know how to use this to your benefit. The colors you choose have to gel with your brand and the image you're trying to portray; otherwise, they'll be detrimental to your marketing.
For example, blue invokes feelings of confidence, success, and reliability. Because of this, it is often used for tech companies and financial institutions like banks. Green is often associated with environmental friendliness, but can also be used to appeal to our sense of ruggedness. Similarly, hues that are bright and strong will hold people's attention, but conservative hues will provide an air of class and style.
Overall though, the most important part of your logo is the concept itself. Your logo should look great on different color backgrounds, as well as in color or in black and white. Begin your logo design in black and white so you can make sure it has enough contrast and that your concept/message is clear first.
2. Shapes
Our brains react differently to different shapes as well, which is why it's important to consider which ones you're incorporating into your logo. Depending on the shape you choose, your brand can give an impression you didn't intend, be it boring, hyperactive, unreliable, or dangerous. Below are some examples of how you can use shapes to give people the right impression of your brand:
Authority, power: Both vertical and slanted lines represent energy and aggression, while slanted lines convey speed. Horizontal lines promote a grounded and strong energy.
- Vertical lines
- Slanted lines
- Horizontal lines
Tranquility, unity: The human mind reads curved shapes as more peaceful. Consider working them into your logo if you're looking for a more relaxed vibe.
- Circles
- Ellipses
- Ovals
Stability, balance: The shapes below signify reliability, and as such, are excellent choices for legal or religious symbols.
- Squares
- Triangles
3. Fonts
There are tons of different font types out there, ranging from the extremely simple to the stupendously weird. Each has its own set of uses, but here we'll focus on the four main and most common categories:
- Script: Script fonts have looping letters that connect, and they’re designed to look like sophisticated pieces of human handwriting. Depending on the particular font you choose, they can seem elegant, sensual, vibrant, or relaxed.
- Decorative: These are sometimes called "display" or "novelty" fonts, and they're designed to grab the reader's attention. Their peculiarity means they're not designed for practical purposes and should only be used to make a quick and sudden impact.
- Serif: Serif fonts are those with little points sticking out of each letter, which gives them an aura of tradition and gravitas. If you want to create writing that looks pre-modern, these are great fonts to use.
- Sans-serif: Sans-serif fonts are those more simple-looking without the little points that serif fonts have. Their simplicity and minimalism gives them a much more modern and contemporary appeal.
4. Variations
Versatility is key when considering variations on your logo. As your business grows, your logo will likely appear on various media, including emails, printed labels, tags, stationery, your website, apparel, web ads, and sponsorships. Make sure your logo has a few different variations so that you can choose the one that works best for the context it’s being placed in.
- The Single Color Logo: This is the ultimate test of a logo’s strength and versatility. Not only is a single-color option simpler and more instantly readable, but it prepares you for one-color printing for business cards, letterhead, packaging, or black and white copies.
- Two or More Color Variations: Adding different color versions of your logo allows you flexibility to express your brand voice. Color variations can also be used to bring variety to a system of branded components like icons, printed packaging, and patterns.
- Icon and Wordmark: Varying the lockup arrangement of the components of your logo will help your brand work across different media. A stacked, centered layout works well on labels and signage, but a horizontal layout may be best in the header of a website.
- The Monogram: This variation combines the initials of a person or company’s name to create an elegant “signature” that’s as versatile as it is classic. A monogram works well as a repeating pattern for packing tape, wrapping paper, signage, and wallpaper.
5. Sizing & Formats
Make sure that your logo can be read at different sizes. Think about how it will look on a business card versus a billboard—it should work on both. Consider where your viewer may be in relation to your logo as well—even if you made a huge sign or bought space on a billboard, people may be far away when they see it, making the image read as much smaller.
Additionally, you’ll want to use the most effective file types. Whether it is printed on a large billboard or on a tiny stamp, your logo needs to convey its message clearly and effectively in all formats. By using a vector version of your file, you can create as many PNGs, or GIFs, or JPGs at different sizes as you need to, because a vector file can be as large as you need it to be and still very clear and crisp.
Final Thoughts
Creating a custom logo for your store may seem like a daunting task, but finding the right shape, font, and color combinations can be a fun exercise when you put them all together. And if all else fails, Volusion's design team can always lend a hand with creating the perfect logo for your store.