How to Style a Block with Aphrodite

In this how-to guide, we will be going over how to use the Aphrodite CSS framework with your custom Volusion blocks.

Aphrodite is a framework for writing JavaScript-based CSS and creating dynamic classes for use in React. You can read more about it in the official documentation.

Writing Your Styles

1. Creating User-Editable Props

Sometimes you will want your user to be able to alter the style of their block. Most commonly this comes in the form of changing colors. For a detailed explanation on writing props, see "Add element Proptypes ."

2. Writing Your Styles File

You will write your CSS in a file called getStyles.js. The getStyles function argument is your block's props (defined in step 1). By default, the function will look something like this:

export const getStyles(blockProps) => ({})

You will want to write your CSS in this format:

yourClassName: {
cssRule: ruleProperty


export const getStyles(blockProps) => ({

Remember, you're writing Javascript-based CSS, so be sure to use the correct CSS rule names (i.e. backgroundColor instead of background-color). View a list of available style rules here.

If you have defined user-editable props, you can reference them like this:

export const getStyles({ headerBackgroundColor, headerTextColor }) => ({
backgroundColor: headerBackgroundColor,
color: headerTextColor

3. Creating Your Classes

When you need to reference your custom styles, you will need to import your getStyles function from your styles file as well as css and StyleSheet from Aphrodite. Afterwards, follow the example below to create your classes object. Once your classes object exists, you can create your dynamic classNames using the following format: 



import React from 'react';
import { css, StyleSheet } from 'aphrodite';
import { getSyles } from './getStyles';

const Block = props => {
const classes = StyleSheet.create(getStyles(props));
return (
<header className={css(classes.header)}>
// ...
= defaultConfig;
export { Block }

4. Referencing Your Classes from within Your Components

Simply pass the classes props down to your component, import css in your component file (just like you did for your Block file), and follow the same process for constructing your class.

Example block code:

import React from 'react';
import { css, StyleSheet } from 'aphrodite';
import { getSyles } from './getStyles';
import { Logo } from './components/Logo';

const Block = props => {
const classes = StyleSheet.create(getStyles(props));
return (
<header className={css(classes.header)}>
<Logo classes={classes} />
= defaultConfig;
export { Block }

Example component:

import React from 'react';
import { css, StyleSheet } from 'aphrodite';

export const Logo = ({ classes }) => (
<div className={css(classes.logo)}>
// ...